All my life, I’ve explored and written about wild+human nature. In work and play—as an early Grand Canyon boatwoman, fluvial geologist, science journalist, and award-winning author—I’ve loved sharing the wonder of our wild inner and outer worlds. Write or walk with me soon.
Author in Grand Canyon, 1983 high water in Inner Gorge. Photo by Tim Turner.
• Fulbright Visiting Research Chair (Humanities, Fiction Writing), Edmonton, AB
• Nautilus Book Award (Ecology & Environment), East Sound, WA
• Desert Writer Award, Ellen Meloy Fund, Bluff, UT
• WILLA Award (Original Fiction), Women Writing the West, Golden, CO
• Waterston Desert Writing Prize, Bend, OR
• M.F.A., Creative Writing and Literature, Mills College, Oakland, CA
• B.S., Earth Sciences. Honors. University of California, Santa Cruz, CA